What Are Key Areas Where Your Child Is Lacking in English? How To Fix Them?

“English”, nowadays, has developed into a “Global language”. No wonder, it extremely reflects flamboyant impact right among the listeners as well as on colleagues. 

While this subject place a predominating role, a child needs to ace his/her dexterity. Is your child having a classic grip on English or he/she is trailing interest? Does your kid find obscurity in English or can easily go forward? 

Well, it quite apparent that a scholar needs some kind of motivation while learning English. That’s why Best English Tuition Singapore provides unmatched support and inspiration to gain a strong base on language and get acquainted with nitty-gritty syntax rules.

If the toddler continuously makes English blunders, then expectantly, some of the reasons may be the following. Have a look and elucidate these today:  

  • Reading Comprehension

First. The major problem is read accurately what is mentioned in the textbook. Beyond reading, what a child comprehends and interpret after reading out the text. 

Literally, children make errors while they are given for reading English paragraphs. As a result, he/she sometimes unable to figure out the right gist from the text, this unable them, losing interest in the subject-matter and gradually, drop out the subject for further usage.  

How To Fix: Let the child read books repeatedly what he/she feels exuberating. Carry out creative and fun activities with English tuition Singapore which can pace of child’s English comprehension seamlessly. What’s more, let the child create their own English tales.

Read also: How A Good GP Tutor Can Help to Enhance Your Child's Critical Reasoning Skills

  • Speaking

Second. If you’ve ever heard, “speaking English is the ladder of success and achieving predetermined goals.” But, someway, children are not able to utter long words, even from the textbooks. Vowels sounds, Silent letter words, and other sentence formation, they cannot get crowning hold. 


How To Fix: Listen to them gleefully whatever they’re trying to speak. Consult a Good English tuition where your kid gets daily fun exercises and sparkling opportunity to speak up with flying colours. Speak English with them and tell them to answer only in English.   

  • Writing Inappropriate

Third. One of the major skills in English arena is WRITING. As a child, it always admired writing neatly without any spelling-errors. However, it is apparent that a kid is used to write common mistakes like writing words in a number of forms, missing out “comma”, incorrect Apostrophe usage, Unnecessary Capitalization, wrong punctuation usage, and so on.     


How To Fix: While these faults are general in children, but to rectify them, keep them practicing write-ups as only “Practice makes a man perfect”. Moreover, create engrossing writing worksheets, making it fun. Let them create their own blog and show them on a site.  


  • Grammar

Fourth. The indispensable error, not only a kid does but also mostly, an adult does and that is English Grammar. Without knowing the right application of the grammar, a scholar cannot elucidate English stuff. Common mistakes like hazy Pronoun References, subject-verb Agreement errors, Overusing Adverbs, and using too many prepositional phrases make English a “baffling subject”.


How To Fix: To effectively deal with all these errors, the skilled and best English tutor Singapore provide top-notch guidance from starting till crest point. They smartly employ artistic and novel strategies to catch a good command of tenses, sentence structure, punctuations, classes of words, and many more. Ping us now!   

Read also: How to choose Primary 5 English Tuition Centre in Singapore



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